How We Get FOGF Beneficiaries

First step: The amputees communicate with us via our social media requesting artificial limbs

Second step: The Social Media asked them to send their request to our email

Third step: we then asked them to provide the following information so we could add them to the waiting List.

  • The amputee’s full name and age
  • Location
  • Please send 2 pictures, one of you full and the other of your stump.
  • Then send to us your story of what led to your amputation and how life has been since then
  • The date of amputation.
  • Your date of birth,
  • Your contact address and phone number. And the phone number of a next of kin we can call. In case your number is not available we can reach you through your next of kin.

Fourth step: Scheduling of screening date.

Fifth step: The screening is done physically and virtually depending on the amputee’s location.