The Project Description

The Feet of Grace Foundation’s goal for 2018 was to make ONE dream come true for TEN amputees through the provision of prosthetic limbs, educational support, and seed funds for poverty alleviation activities.
We carried out an extensive social media campaign with the hashtag #10Amputees1Dream, which increased the number of followers on social media and first-time donors. Also, there was a significant increase in requests for support coming through the social media handles.
The Foundation paid in full for eleven prosthetic limbs for the ten amputees it supported. By the end of 2018, the Foundation had provided support to 30 amputees with a total of 31 prosthetic limbs and two wheelchairs. Three women have received support for small-scale businesses, and three young amputees have received scholarships to continue their education. All of these have been done with generous donations from the Friends of the Feet of Grace Foundation.

A charity bazaar was held in Geneva in March 2018 in preparation for the Charity Walk. Items donated to the foundation were sold at the bazaar. We organized the Feet of Grace Charity Walk tagged “2018 Hit The Street” to flag off our fundraising efforts for the year starting on Saturday, April 14th, 2018.
The 2018 target for fundraising was forty thousand Swiss francs (N14 million) to provide prosthetic rehabilitation services for ten amputees as well as educational support for some of the young amputees. The Charity Walk was held in 11 cities in Nigeria, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Senegal, Kenya, and Ghana.
The total amount raised in 2018 is indicated in the table below. This amount exceeded the total donations received in 2017.
Three institutional donors, three NGOs, two churches, and over 400 individual donors contributed to this amount.

Currency Total
CHF 10,361.52
USD 4,506.60
EURO 1,734.00
GBP 958.00
NAIRA 12,076,655.00

Major Donors (Institutional and Corporate)
Grooming Center, Lagos, Nigeria.
Falcon Corporations Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria.
Jethro Forth Intercontinental, Ibadan, Nigeria
Change Agentz, Nigeria
Rehoboth Dream Solid Foundation, Nigeria
Church For The Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
A Sister In The World, Geneva, Switzerland;
Emmanuel Church, Geneva, Switzerland
Methodist Girls High School Old Girls’ Class of 81/82 UK/IRL

Ten amputees received eleven prosthetic limbs in 2018. We provided educational support for four young amputees (two males and two females) with funds from Rehoboth Dream Solid Foundation and A Sister In The World. This support enabled these amputees to either return to school or to continue to stay in school.
The Annual General Meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in Lagos on the 28th of July 2018. Those who could not be physically present joined by conference call. The Board approved the 2017–2022 five-year strategic plan for the foundation and approved the remuneration of the Executive Director.

The Feet of Grace Association was established in Geneva, Switzerland to manage the affairs of the Foundation outside Nigeria and facilitate the Charity Walk in Geneva. The association was able to open a bank account in Switzerland to receive donations from abroad. The process of having a similar association in Ghana was initiated during the trip to Ghana with the plan that funds raised in Ghana will be used to support the prosthetic rehabilitation of a Ghanaian amputee.
The Ladies Breakfast meeting, organized by the Church of the Nations in Geneva where Irene Olumese shared her story, was a unique opportunity to raise funds for the activities of the Foundation.
Please find below the report on the status of the rehabilitation of the amputees selected for support in 2018. We lost one of the amputees in August to further complications of her underlying medical problem. However, one of the amputees on the waiting list was included in the support this year.

Because of the generous donations of the Friends of the Foundation, we have had remarkable success in achieving the goal set for 2018. You have been a significant part of our dream to make a difference, one amputee at a time.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Feet of Grace Foundation, we acknowledge with gratitude your generous donations.