2020 Walk


The Year 2020 was tough and challenging for everyone in many ways. But despite the disruptions of the year, we have many reasons to be thankful. The Friends of Feet of Grace Foundation (our donors and partners) are the reasons we can look back in 2020 and be grateful.

Through the hurts, pains, and challenges of 2020, you have remained strong. We are thankful that you are safe, spared, and preserved from the scourge of COVID-19. We are incredibly grateful for your continued and unwavering support of the Feet of Grace Foundation during this difficult period.

In keeping with the COVID lockdown regulations globally, we could not gather as large groups for the 2020 Charity Walk; Hit The Street. We got innovative. We asked our friends to put on their 2020 HIT T-Shirts, walk within their neighborhoods alone or in twos and share their pictures on their social media handles. They did a great job and created a buzz on behalf of the 2020 potential Beneficiaries.
We are thankful for the dividends of 2020 and the mileage we made against the odds amid the challenges. Let me share some of our 2020 success stories with you.

Lois got her old broken leg replaced. So, did Emmanuel. These young children and their families are smiling with gratitude. Timilehin is a teenager now, and he keeps growing taller by the day. He received his third prosthetic leg. Nneoma successfully underwent the long-awaited corrective surgery to straighten and strengthen her surviving leg. She is now walking with the 2nd prosthetic limb she is receiving from the Foundation. Esther also received her second pair of legs to replace her old and worn-out pair of legs.

Although all these children had their education interrupted, we made efforts to ensure that they are all back in school. Five children (Chidiebere, Timilehin, Amaka, Shedrack, and Esther) received scholarships from our partners, the Rehoboth Dream Solid Foundation for in-class tutoring. Two ladies (Catherine and Busola) received support for their tertiary education.

Ruth, Bose, Juliet, Blessing, and Elizabeth have reasons to smile despite the COVID lockdown and all its attending limitations. These five women completed their rehabilitation and received their first prosthetic limbs from the Foundation.

We do not only provide limbs, but we also facilitate the maintenance and repairs of prosthetic limbs. Yetunde, Adenike, Loretha, Aderonke, and Queen had their limbs repaired.
Yetunde, a 45-year-old woman who has been an amputee for 23 years, is mentoring Adenike and encouraging her to see life beyond amputation. Mrs. Quadri got a wheelchair and COVID relief funds.
Patience, Lucy, Naomi, Lizzy, and Ruth received seed funds for poverty alleviation activities.

Two of them started new income-generating activities while three expanded their small-scale businesses. These include hairdressing, bag making, tailoring, and selling water and soft drinks.

The Amputee Support Group worked actively to provide emotional and psychosocial counseling for all the amputees during the COVID lockdown.
We could not have made all these achievements amid the challenges of 2020 without your generous donations.
Unfortunately, it was not all good news. We are sad to announce that three of our women amputees died during this period. Mrs. Aliu (60 years old), Mrs. Akanbi (50 years old), and Mrs. Francesca Osimen (55 years) succumbed to their pre-existing health conditions and could not get access to medical services during the COVID. May their souls rest in peace.
Together, we are making a difference one amputee at a time. Let us do it again in 2021.
We provide the funds raised breakdown in the coming days.