
Nifemi Lois Falodun

In September 2015, Nifemi, then a 4-year-old, was braiding her hair in front of their house. Her dad drove into the compound, and the car’s brake failed. He ran over her and her aunty. This freak car accident caused Oluwanifemi to lose her leg, which was amputated within days of the accident.

This situation became an emotional burden for the whole family. Oluwanifemi was in nursery one, and her mother had to carry her to school on her back. She hopped and crawled to move around when she was at home.

Oluwanifemi received one prosthetic limb from the Foundation in 2018. She enjoys going to school and dancing again. The rehabilitation of Nifemi brought great joy and relief to the family, especially the father, who carried the burden of the guilt of being the cause of his daughter’s tragic experience. It has been a joy to see hope restored to the family.

Nifemi is now 11 years old and has outgrown her limb. After several repairs and extensions of the leg, it has now become necessary for her to have a replacement. In 2022 Nifemi received another prosthetics limb and now she is walking again.

Amaka Noh


Amaka is a 19-year-old secondary school student. She was hit by a truck in May 2016. Her family took to Traditional Bone Settlers because they could not afford the hospital bills. The TBS mismanaged injury to the leg in the traditional home. Eventually, she had to be taken to the hospital when the leg did not heal but became infected. Unfortunately, it was too late. The issue was no longer viable and had become gangrenous. A transmural (above the knee) amputation was done in June 2016 to save the rest of Amaka’s leg.

Amaka could not leave the hospital even after her stump had healed following the amputation. Her parents could not pay the bills, and the hospital refused to discharge her until a philanthropist eventually paid the bills In December 2016. That was when the hospital management allowed her to leave the hospital.

Amaka could not move around because she had difficulties walking with the frame provided for her. She was introduced to the Foundation in 2017, and with the support provided by friends of the Feet of Grace Foundation, Amaka got a prosthetic limb. Amaka also received a scholarship to return to school to continue her education. She has completed her senior secondary school education and is awaiting her final examination results.

Amaka has outgrown her current limb and is in urgent need of a replacement. In 2022 Amaka received another prosthetics limb.

Oluwakemi Olamide Jesulade.

In February 2012,  Oluwakemi was involved in an accident. Her left hand was severely injured with crushed bones. Her parent took her to several hospitals for treatment and bone repairs, but it worsened day after day until the wounds became infected. After several attempted treatments to no avail, she was in excruciating pain, and her life was at stake. Her parents finally agreed to the recommendation of the doctors at the General hospital at Ilorin, Kwara State, to amputate the affected hand from the upper arm in April 2012.

Since then, it has been challenging for her to cope with everyday activities. Oluwakemi had to stop her education at the Primary school level shortly after the amputation due to the traumatic experience. She is learning how to sow clothes, but she still has issues cutting fabrics. However, she is trying her best possible.

Oluwakemi is 25 years old. It will be much easier for her to get a shoulder-harnessed prosthetic arm to help her achieve her career goal. Oluwaskemi is also learning how to trade in fabrics. She has dyslexia; therefore, learning is challenging, but she can make good progress with the appropriate support. Oluwakemi is now using her hands again in 2022.

Graham Trust 

Graham had an accident while returning from school on a motorcycle in February 2013. He was six years old when his leg was amputated the following month. Graham’s parents cannot afford the prosthetic limb.

Graham is in the Year Three of the Junior Secondary School. He needs an educational scholarship to ensure that he gets good quality education and a prosthetic limb to regain his autonomy.

He lives in Port-Harcourt with his parents. In 2022 Graham received another prosthetic limb, now he’s back to school.

Damilola Boglo

Damilola was born prematurely at 25 weeks. She got an infection in the leg while being transferred from the hospital, where she was born to another that could manage premature babies. The doctors had to amputate the leg at the ankle three weeks later.  

For years her parents have been trying to get her a suitable prosthetic without success. Now they are concerned about the effect it is having on her posture. Damilola is six years old, and she has learning challenges as a complication of her premature birth. Her mother, a fashion designer, takes care of her and her older brother, who is autistic. Mrs Boglo is overwhelmed with the emotional burden of caring for two children with disabilities.

Rehabilitating Damilola with ease some of the weight she is single-handedly bearing at the moment. Damilola received her prosthics leg in 2022 and now she is walking again.

Chiamaka Lynda Ohalete

Chiamaka is 26 years old and based in Enugu, and an indigene of Imo State. She is a microbiology graduate and lives with her mother and two siblings. 

In 2015, she finished her six months of Industrial training at Onitsha and was on her way to the motor park on a motorbike to return to Imo State University when a tipper that lost control ran into her. The truck crushed her foot.

Passerbys rushed her to the hospital, where the doctors amputated her right leg below the knee at Menace Hospital Onitsha, Anambra state. Chiamaka stayed in the hospital before she was eventually discharged to go back to school.

Chiamaka is currently using a prosthetic limb from the Indomie Foundation, which is broken and is causing her a lot of pain. She works in a private company as a customer service representative in Enugu. Chiamaka is walking again with the new prosthetic limb given to her in 2022.

Abisoye Afuape

Abisoye is 21 years old. She lives in  Lagos. She lost her limb when she was eight years. Abisoye was on her way to school on October 2nd 2008 when a car ran into her in Abeokuta Ilogbo.

She was interested in sports and took part in several tournaments. Abisoye sold provisions from her home to support herself. She received her first limb from Indomie. The third and last leg she collected is broken.

Abisoye has completed her Senior Secondary School education. Shortly afterwards, she got married and recently gave birth to her first child in February. Abisoye desperately needs a new prosthetic limb and seed funds to expand her home-based trading as she is barely making ends meet. She has refused to let go of her sports dreams. Abisioye receive her prosthetic limb in 2022 and seed fund to start a business

Nosiru Rashidat Morenikeji

Rashidat is a 32-year-old mother of two who survived a ghastly motor accident in February 2010 on her way to her hostel from the school campus. The accident claimed her right foot. She was bedridden for one year because of her fractured femur.

Life has been challenging for Rashidat without a job despite being a Ladoke Akintola University of Technology graduate. It is also challenging to move around with the broken and worn-out leg.

Rashidat got her first leg from Indomie in 2011. She is married with two children, and her husband is a teacher. She has a six-month-old baby, and she needs money to start a business. . Nosiru received seed funds to start her business and a prosthetic limb.

Ebunoluwa Caroline Ogungbemi (One Limb ansd Seed funds for SME)

Ebunoluwa is a 56 years old widow and mother of three children whose husband passed away in 2003. She had her amputation in 2018. Since then, she has not been able to move forward with her business.

Ebunoluwa had gone to visit her aged mother living at Sango-Otta in April 2018. On her way back to Lagos the following day, the bike she was on collided with an out of control trailer with failed breaks. She landed on the ground, and the trailer went over her leg. Compassionate people who observed the accident rushed EbunOluwa to the Ota General Hospital. The doctors referred her to the Igbobi Orthopaedic Hospital.

Unfortunately, Igbobi went on strike for five days. During that time, the doctors did not attend to the patients. Subsequently, the doctors in a private Hospital decided to amputate the leg because it was no longer viable-

It was hard for Ebunoluwa to accept the decision to amputate her leg, but she had no choice with the excruciating pain. Her children had to find a way to raise the funds required for the surgery in a private hospital.

Ebunoluwa has not been able to afford the cost of the prosthetic limb she needs to regain her mobility and autonomy. She also desires to set up a business to enable her to meet her family’s needs. Ebuoluwa got her limb and seed fund in 2022

Eze Mercy Okwuchi

Eze Mercy Okwuchi from Afikpo North LGA, Ebonyi State. She is a Business Administration graduate from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State. She had polio when she was six years old. It affected her left limb, which later became deformed as she grew older.

Mercy had corrective surgery at the Lagos State Teaching Hospital (LUTH) in 2009, but the leg got infected. She had to undergo another surgery on November 19th 2009, which resulted in the total amputation of her left limb.

Due to a lack of funds to get an artificial leg (prosthesis), She has had to live the past 12 years of her life supported by crutches. This has caused significant discomfort that has been very unbearable with the pain in her shoulders. She has had to bear this pain throughout her 4-year degree at the University.

Mercy recently underwent a re-amputation surgery because the stump had become long and bony.

She has been stigmatized by her immediate society and has never really felt like she belonged. The prosthetic rehabilitation will give her the much-needed opportunity to regain her autonomy, build her confidence and live a limitless life.

In 2022 Mercy receive seed funds and a prosthetics limb now she is full of life and grateful to the donors.

Balqees Omowunmi Dauda

Balquees is a 44 years old woman who resides in  Ikorodu, Lagos State. She was born with a deformed leg which is significantly shorter than the other leg. This condition made walking and living very difficult. She is married with three children.

Balquees requires a prosthetic limb to balance her gait and provide safety when walking. Her occupation is buying and selling products online as it is difficult for her to take transport to go shopping in the market. She would like to set up a shop near where she lives in Ikorodu to give her some independence and enable her to contribute meaningfully to her family.

Balqees received her prosthetics limb in 2022 and seed funds to start a business to support her family.

Shedrack Omolola Rita

Rita is 24 years old and lives in Ilorin. She was diagnosed with Spinal Bifida Occulta, which caused a weakness in the ankle of her left leg. This condition made it difficult to walk. The situation grew worse until she could no longer walk with her leg.

The leg was amputated on June 15th 2019. She previously attempted to use a prosthetic limb, but the length was higher than her other leg, making it difficult for her to use it. Life has been a lot harder since the amputation because of the restriction in her mobility. Getting a prosthetic limb will improve Rita’s mobility and quality of life.

Unable to get a job, Rita learned to make handbags, souvenirs and lunchboxes. She received seed funds in 2021 to expand the business and make it more lucrative. . In 2022 Rita received her prosthetics limb.

Chiwetalu charity (Two Limbs)

Charity is 24 years old, and she has no recollection of how or when she lost both legs. Her mum informed her that she had lost her legs due to a Congenital deformation illness that nearly took her life, but to save her life, the two legs had to be amputated when she was a baby. Charity’s mother could not recall the exact date of the amputation of the legs. She could not use the ill-fitted prosthetic limbs given to her in 2021 by another organization. She had to abandon it.

Charity lives in Enugu. She is also a third-year student at the Enugu state university. She walks on her knees to school, where she is studying accountancy.

Providing a pair of prosthetic limbs for Charity will ensure that she can regain her independence, autonomy and enhanced mobility. It would also ensure good quality of life where her self-image is preserved. . Now she is walking walking again after 20+ years.

Alade Ikimot Funmilayo 

Funmilayo is a 17-year girl in senior secondary school (SS2) and lives in Ibadan.

She was on an errand for her sister at Oja Oba Market, where a motorbike hit her on her way back home. On March 2nd 2016. The people who witnessed the accident took her to a private hospital close to the market. She was further referred to University College Hospital, where doctors advised her parents to amputate the leg to save her life. Amputation was done soon after.

Funmilayo has not allowed the challenges of hoping with one leg and crutches to hinder her from pursuing her education. Her teacher spoke well about her. Providing a prosthetic limb for Funmilayo will improve her mobility and self-image, ultimately empowering her to live a limitless life beyond amputation. In 2022 Funmilayo received a prosthetics limb with the help of our donors

Onwe Ifunanya Rita

Rita was involved in an accident at the age of 14 while crossing the road on her way to school. A private car hit her and broke her leg. Instead of taking Rita to the hospital, her family took her to a Traditional Bone Setter who wrapped her leg in banana leaves.

There was insufficient blood circulation to the leg. It became gangrenous. At this stage, Rita’s parents took her to a city clinic in Enugu two weeks after the accident, where the doctors told her parents that her leg needed to be amputated. The amputation was done on February 4th 2014. In 2022 Rita received her prosthetics limb


Helen is 28 years old and single. She had a motor accident on her way to Bwari. When she regained consciousness, she found herself in the hospital in Abuja. Helen eventually lost her arm following the complication of the accident on September 14th 2018.

Helen lives in Nasarawa State, where she sells drinks for a living. She desires to have a new arm to improve her self-image. Helen got her limb in 2022.

Mrs Evan Onyibor

Mrs Evan Onyibor’s right leg was amputated in 2016, a few weeks before her wedding. She had a domestic accident and broke her leg. During the treatment, the limb got infected, and the doctors proffered that the only option was amputation to avoid the risk of having the infection spread to the rest of her body. They had to cancel the wedding until after she had the amputation.

Over the years, Evan and her husband have been buying low-grade prosthetics, which kept spoiling because of the poor quality. The current limb is no longer functional. Evan is in desperate need of a new one

She sells second-hand clothing, and her husband is a lecturer at FUTA. They have three children.

Evan is willing to contribute towards the cost of a new limb. Evans received her limb in 2022 and seed fund to support her family

Omolara Dairo

Omolara is a 52-year-old divorcee and below the amputee. She had failed surgery to correct osteomyelitis on her bone. Unfortunately, because of the failed attempt, she agreed to have a voluntary amputation in 2014.

Omolara previously was a hairstylist but lost her business in a fire incident in 2022. She now works as an escort on public transportation to make a living. She is a daily paid worker whose income is determined by the number of trips she can complete with the bus.

Her current prosthetic limb is old and worn out. She desperately needs a new leg to reduce pain and work more comfortably. Omolara received her prosthetics limb in 2022

Mrs. Odusote (2016 Beneficiary) Wheel Chair

Sixty-seven years old  Mrs, Odosote had both of her legs amputated above the knees on December 15th, 2012. She had an injury on her toe while working in a hospital as a cleaner. The wound did not heal but got infected and later became gangrenous. Her family was reluctant to have her foot amputated. In the process, the toes in the second leg got infected, resulting in the eventual amputation of both legs to save her life. Despite being a wheelchair user, she was with boundless energy visiting the orthopaedic hospitals to encourage recent amputees.

Mrs Surat Odusote received a motorized wheelchair from the Foundation in June 2006, which enabled her to become less dependent on her family as she pursued her dream to be an encourager. Unfortunately, despite repeated repairs, the Lithium battery of the motorized wheelchair has expired. She has now received functional motorized wheelchair.